"Hey James! How's it going?"
"I'm good, but I'm wondering how you're doing since you got stuck in Cassie's body, Dan?!"
"It's weird," I smiled, "But it kind just feels like I AM my sister, you know? I can't describe it. This spell book is crazy."
"Dan, you know you're not Cassie," James retorted.
"I know, but Cassie's part of me now, and I'm in her body. You can honestly just call me Cassie, and I wouldn't have a problem with it. I feel like her, like super deep down."
"But why did you want to meet up with me, her boyfriend? Isn't this weird for you?"
"You know I'm straight," I blushed, "But I felt I had to honor this urge Cassie had to be with you. And, by proxy, I guess I love you too now. I am your girlfriend, James. It's just that I used to be Dan. It's hard to describe."
"Whoa," James shifted uncomfortably, "Dan... I–"
"Shh..." I held his hands, "Cassie loves you James. I am Cassie now. My feelings are real. This body is my body. I even dressed up in Cassie's favorite outfit and did her hair and makeup. Can't we just forget about who I used to be and enjoy this date?"
Maybe Dan will take Cassie's life a direction she hadn't gone before. Maybe he will make her an influencer or wear a more provocative style. I'm very curious to see if he will keep her body, whether her boyfriend accepts him etc.