"Ew," Cameron (12) was repulsed by the thing that lay inside the box in his older sister, Jaime's (16) room, "What is that thing?"
"What? This thing?" Jaime laughed, "It's a high-tech casting of me. You know how I like cosplaying. My friend, Anna, is going to do some work on it for my costume this year. Makes it much easier to just take it off whenever I feel like it."
"Can I see it?"
"Oh, sure," Jaime smiled, "I don't mind."
"Wow, this is so creepy!" Cameron held the skin at arm's length.
"A little, I'll admit! Hey, you can try it on if you want."
"What? That would be weird, Jaime."
"No, seriously! It was made for me, but you could totally fit in it. We're like the same size."
Before long, Cameron was slipping on the suit.
He felt a sucking sensation over his entire body, "What's it doing?!"
"It's nothing. It's supposed to attach itself to my skin somehow, so I can feel through it."
"Aghh, it's pulling!"
Jaime burst into laughter, "It's even giving you tits! Wow, that is hilarious!"
"I don't know! I didn't make the suit. It might have something to do with initially calibrating it to my body. Wow, you look exactly like me now... That's amazing. How does it feel?"
"It feels funny. Like I'm being compressed and pulled in— Ohhhhh.... Wow!"
"What is it?!"
"Whoa, it doesn't really feel weird anymore. Like this is my real skin," he kept reminding himself to keep his hands off of the fake boobs on his chest.
"That's amazing!" Jaime stared in awe, "Hey, you know what would be hilarious?"
She started removing her clothes.
"Jaime, what are you—?"
"Here," she beckoned to Cameron with her clothes in a bunch, "C'mon, you have to try!"
He hesitated, "Okay, fine."
Cameron carefully donned his older sister's sleepwear. It all felt a bit too intimate, as he wore her body. He had to admit she was hot though. He instinctively turned away from Jaime in an effort to hide his growing erection, though when he looked down, nothing was there. It was ...wet? Strange.
He was almost finished putting on her clothes, when he started coughing violently.
"Cameron! Are you okay?" Jaime looked on with concern.
"....Yeah, I'm.... whoa," his voice had changed to match Jaime's.
"Oh! That must be the built-in voice box. Great for alien costumes or whatever."
Cameron looked at his reflection, "I look like you. I sound like you."
"Crazy, huh?"

Cameron grabbed Jaime's toothbrush from her bathroom sink and stuck it in his mouth, "Now I'm Jaime brushing her teeth."
"Ew, Cameron! Gross!"
"What?" Cameron was reveled in getting back at his sister, "You already made me wear your clothes. I might as well go all the way."