

Is it an unhealthy obsession? Maybe.

Do I actually care anymore? I guess I'm numb to it by now.

My new roommate, Lisa, moved into the room across the hall from me at the start of this semester. And wow, you bet I had a crush on her from day one. She could probably tell. Hell, probably everyone could tell.

So, being the perv I was, I decided to astral project my way into her room to spy on her. She was sitting undressed in her bed. I reached out to touch her nestled breast with my translucent hand. That's when I discovered I could possess her instead. I was immediately sucked into her body.

Fast forward, and I sort of got addicted to being Lisa. I've lost count of the amount of times I've possessed her, and she is still none the wiser. She thinks she's the one doing everything. I've even been her while we've had parties at our share-house. I find myself being Lisa pretty much the majority of the time we are both at home at the same time. When I'm at home, I'm Lisa. It's practically routine.

The other day, I wanted to try to figure out how much of the time I spend in Lisa's body versus my own. And it's about 70% in the last three months! I guess that counts all the times I've slept over in her body. And the long weekends at home flipping between Netflix and PornHub.

Does that make me Lisa first, and ...myself second? Maybe.

Is it going to make me second guess this ugly habit of mine? Hell no.


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