From an early age, Roy always wondered what it would be like to be a girl. He started with crossdressing, sneaking into his little sister, Charlie's room to try on her clothes while she was away. This continued for the next few years, but it was never enough for Roy. In spurts of desperation, he would find himself trawling the internet in search of a way to become a real girl -even just for one night. Finally, Roy found a spell, and it actually worked! It was unbelievable. It would allow him to possess anyone for as long as he wanted. Instantly, Roy knew who his first target would be. He waited until he was sure Charlie was fast asleep before taking control of her body. The spell had unlocked seemingly endless potential, and Roy would take full advantage of it for years while his sister slept. But, as time went on, the novelty of becoming Charlie began to wear off, and he began to wonder if he should start to venture out as his sister during the light of day. These experiments began as shorter stunts, with Roy wandering through the house, passing by his parents, watching TV. With time, they grew longer. Roy began to engage in conversations with his parents, even going on trips to the city. However, nothing was ever enough, and Roy had to keep pushing his boundaries to feel excited again. He began to wonder how far he was really willing to go.

Roy should try out being his mom next. Spend some time as her