Class Backwards

Frank was mortified. Of all the days he could’ve swapped bodies with his teenage son, he did not expect it to be the same day his son’s teacher was going to pull off a surprise swap day. Now he was going to be stuck in his son’s classmate, Kelly’s body for a whole week, and he wasn’t even allowed to tell anybody.

It had been a long day, but Frank finally made his way back to the girl’s home. As he stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, he could hardly believe the face looking back at him. Kelly's long blonde hair and delicate features were so alien compared to his usual middle-aged male appearance. He splashed some water on his face, hoping this was all just a bad dream.

But the cold water only confirmed the harsh reality. He was trapped in a teenage girl's body. Frank took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts. He had to find a way through this without arousing suspicion. This could erupt into a scandal if anyone found out a parent of the school was inhabiting a student’s body.

A gentle knock on the bathroom door made him jump. "Kelly, honey?" a woman's voice called out. "Are you feeling alright? You've been in there for quite a while."

Frank cleared his throat, "I'm fine, um... Mom. Just feeling a little under the weather."

"Oh, sweetie. Do you want me to bring you some tea?"

"No, thanks," Frank replied hastily, "I think I just need some rest."

He heard footsteps retreating and let out a sigh of relief.

Once inside her room, he closed the door and leaned against it, his heart pounding. Kelly's floral-scented room was a stark reminder of his predicament. Posters of boy bands and teen heartthrobs stared down at him from the walls. A vanity cluttered with makeup and hair accessories sat in the corner. Frank groaned inwardly. He was completely out of his depth.

Kelly's phone on the nightstand made him jump. A text message flashed on the screen: "Hey Kells! Don't forget about Chad's party tomorrow night. It's gonna be lit!"

Frank's stomach dropped. A party? He couldn't possibly attend a teenage party in this body. But then again, how could he refuse without raising suspicion?

He ran a hand through Kelly's long hair, feeling utterly lost. He couldn't even begin to fathom how to apply makeup or style hair.

He noticed how her hair fell upon her cleavage. Frank quickly averted his eyes, feeling deeply uncomfortable. This wasn't his body to look at or touch.

But his gaze returned to his chest. He knew he eventually needed to get undressed and ready for bed. With a long sigh, Frank began to peel off her tank top. 

Frank's hands trembled as he fumbled with the unfamiliar garment. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to maintain some semblance of modesty and respect for Kelly's privacy. But as he struggled to unhook her bra, he realized this approach was impractical. He'd have to look eventually.

With a deep breath, he opened his eyes and glanced down. The sight of Kelly's youthful figure made him feel dizzy with guilt and discomfort.

Frank finally managed to unhook Kelly's bra and quickly pulled it off, trying not to dwell on how soft and smooth her skin felt.

He then turned his attention to her jeans. With trembling hands, he unbuckled the belt and unzipped them. As he let them fall to the ground, he couldn't help but glance down at Kelly's panties.

He blushed furiously, feeling like a complete creep. But at the same time, he couldn't deny a flicker of curiosity. This was an experience he had never had before.

With a deep breath, he stepped out of Kelly's jeans and kicked them aside.

Frank quickly grabbed an oversized t-shirt from Kelly's dresser and pulled it on, grateful for the coverage. He then hurriedly slipped under the covers of her bed, his heart still racing. 

As he lay there in the unfamiliar room, surrounded by Kelly's things, the full weight of his situation began to sink in. How was he going to survive an entire week like this? He'd have to go to school, interact with Kelly's friends and family, and somehow maintain her normal routines and responsibilities.

And what about his own life? His job, his family - how would they manage without him? Frank's mind whirled with possibilities and potential disasters.

He tossed and turned, struggling to find a comfortable position in Kelly's smaller frame. Every movement felt foreign and awkward. The scent of her shampoo on the pillow, the softness of her skin against the sheets.


  1. Quite the fun story, with plenty of room to continue. Even if only in my head.

  2. Love this one! I'm curious if there will be any issues during the mixed up swap back? Like what if Kelly and the son swap while they're already swapped?


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