For the Camera - Part 4

As they made their way down to the beach, James felt painfully exposed in Amy's body. The bikini left little to the imagination, and he could feel eyes on him as they walked. Frank's hand rested possessively on the small of his back, sending shivers up his spine.

When they reached Cindy and George's spot on the beach, James felt a new wave of mortification wash over him. There sat his parents, blissfully unaware that their son was trapped in the body of the woman lounging next to them in a skimpy swimsuit.

"There you are!" Cindy exclaimed, "Amy, you look fabulous in that bikini. Doesn't she, George?"

James wanted to sink into the sand as his father's eyes briefly swept over Amy's body.

"Very nice," George agreed with an approving nod.

James felt his face flush hot with embarrassment as he sat down on the beach towel next to his parents. He was acutely aware of every inch of Amy's exposed skin, from her long, tanned legs to her ample cleavage barely contained by the bikini top. 

"Thanks," he mumbled in Amy's voice, trying to sound casual, "The sun feels great."

Frank sprawled out beside him, his hand resting possessively on James' thigh. James tensed at the touch but forced himself to relax, not wanting to arouse suspicion.

"Here, let me get your back," Frank said, reaching for the sunscreen.

Before James could protest, he felt Frank's hands spreading the cool lotion across Amy's shoulders and down her back. James shivered involuntarily at the intimate touch.

"Cold?" Frank chuckled, his hands lingering.

"A little," James managed to say in Amy's voice, hoping his discomfort wasn't too obvious.

"So Amy," Cindy said, leaning in conspiratorially, "You have to tell me - how's the honeymoon suite? Is it as romantic as they say?"

James felt his face flush even hotter at his mother’s question. He scrambled to come up with a response that Amy might give.

"Oh, um, it's lovely," he stammered, avoiding eye contact, "Very...romantic."

Frank chuckled and gave James' thigh a squeeze, "I'd say we've been making good use of it, right honey?"

James forced a nervous laugh, desperately wishing he could disappear into the sand. The thought of what Frank and Amy had likely been up to in that suite made him deeply uncomfortable.

"You two are like newlyweds again," Cindy teased, "It's adorable."

"Well, when you've got a smoking hot wife like mine, every day feels like a honeymoon," Frank said, planting a kiss on James' cheek.

James squirmed internally. He reflected on when he had been playing with the magic necklace. Now, as he sat on the beach in Amy's bikini-clad form, James desperately wished he could take it all back. But the necklace was back in his room at home, and he had no idea how to reverse the magic from here.
