Inseparable - Part 3

As I sat down to eat my snack, I couldn't help but wonder what Julia would think if she knew what I was doing. Would she be angry? Intrigued? Excited? …Turned on? I pushed the thought aside, focusing instead on the sensations of eating in this new body. The yogurt tasted sweeter somehow, and I found myself savoring each bite in a way I never had before.

After finishing my snack, I decided to explore the house as Julia. I walked from room to room, seeing our shared space through her eyes. The mirror in the hallway caught my attention, and I paused to study my reflection again. It was still jarring to see her face looking back at me.

I made my way to the living room and settled onto the couch, crossing my legs in a way that felt natural in this body. I picked up the book Julia had been reading before her trip, curious to see if I would experience it differently in her body. As I flipped through the pages, I noticed her delicate handwriting in the margins - little notes and observations she'd jotted down. It felt strangely intimate, like I was peering into her mind as well as inhabiting her body.

I tried to focus on the words, but found my attention continually drawn to the physical sensations of being in Julia's form. The way her hair tickled my shoulders, the gentle rise and fall of my chest as I breathed, the softness of my skin where my legs were crossed. It was utterly captivating.

As the afternoon wore on, I decided to run a bath. I was both nervous and excited about the prospect of fully exploring Julia's body. I filled the tub with warm water and her favorite lavender-scented bubbles.

I sank down into the bubbles, reveling in the feeling of weightlessness and the gentle pressure of the water against my new curves.

My breasts were full and round, with rosy nipples that stood erect from the cool air of the room. My stomach was flat and toned, leading down to her smooth legs. I ran my hands along my arms and legs, marveling at the smoothness of Julia's skin. I cupped water in my hands and let it trickle down my chest, gasping softly at the sensation.

I closed my eyes and leaned back against the edge of the tub, allowing myself to fully relax into this new form. It was so different from my own body - more feminine, curvier, with softer lines and curves. And yet, there was a strange familiarity to it as well. After all, it was Julia's body - someone I knew intimately and loved deeply.

I opened my eyes again, gazing down at her breasts submerged in the water.

What would it be like to experience intimacy from her perspective? The idea both thrilled and unnerved me.

A small gasp escaped my lips as I brushed a finger across her nipple. It hardened even more at the contact, sending shivers through me. I couldn't believe how sensitive this body was.

I began to massage both breasts with both hands - kneading and teasing her nipples between my fingers.

Hesitantly, I let my hands wander lower, tracing the contours of my new form. The sensitivity was incredible, every touch sending shivers through me. I gasped at the intensity of the sensations, so different from what I was used to as a man.

I hesitated for a moment, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. This was Julia's most private area - was it wrong to touch her there, even in her body? But my curiosity and arousal won out. I slowly slid a hand between my legs, gasping at the intense sensation.

My fingers grazed the soft skin around her vagina, slowly tickling her folds. It was different from what I was used to as a man - there were no familiar sensations to guide me. But at the same time, it wasn't completely foreign. There was still that underlying connection to my own body, but with added layers of sensitivity and pleasure.

My other hand cupped her breast, as I began to wriggle my fingers within me. The combined sensations were almost overwhelming, and I couldn't hold back my gasps and moans any longer.

I imagined myself on top of Julia, thrusting my dick into her …except now I was Julia…

My breath came in short gasps, higher pitched than I was used to.

Suddenly, a powerful orgasm rocked through me. It was different from what I knew as a man - more intense, longer-lasting, and seeming to spread throughout my entire body. I cried out, Julia's voice echoing off the bathroom tiles.

As the waves of pleasure subsided, I sank deeper into the warm water, feeling both exhilarated and slightly guilty. I had just experienced something incredibly intimate from Julia's perspective without her knowledge or consent.

My hand still kneading her breast, I sat up in the tub, water sloshing around me as I tried to process the intense experience I'd just had.

As the water started to cool, I reluctantly pulled myself out of the bath and wrapped myself in a fluffy towel, I caught sight of my reflection in the steamy mirror. Julia's flushed face stared back at me, her wet hair clinging to her shoulders.

I dried off and slipped into Julia's silky robe, tying the rope around my narrow waist and making my way back to our bedroom.

I collapsed onto the bed, my mind reeling from the intensity of what I had just experienced. The silky robe clung to my damp skin as I stared up at the ceiling, trying to process it all. I had just orgasmed as a woman - as Julia.

I lay there for a while, still catching my breath, marveling at the lingering sensations in my new body. The silky robe against my skin, the softness of the bed beneath me, even the way my chest rose and fell with each breath - it all felt so different, so intensely …feminine.
