A blinding flash filled the kitchen as Anna's fingers closed around the remote. She felt a jolt of electricity course through her body, causing her to cry out in pain and surprise. The world seemed to spin around her, colors blurring and sounds distorting.
When the dizziness subsided, Anna found herself sprawled on the kitchen floor, gasping for breath. She blinked rapidly, trying to clear her vision.
"Anna? Jack? Are you alright?" Her mother's voice sounded distant and echoed strangely.
Anna struggled to sit up, her limbs feeling oddly heavy and uncoordinated. As her vision cleared, she looked down at her hands and froze in shock.
They were larger, more masculine. She touched her face, feeling the rough stubble of a beard.
"No," she whispered, her voice deeper than before, "No, this can't be…”
She looked over at the shape beside her
Anna's eyes widened in shock as she took in the sight before her. Lying on the kitchen floor next to her was... herself. Or rather, her body.
The figure stirred, groaning softly. Anna watched in fascination and horror as her own eyes fluttered open, focusing on her with a mix of confusion and recognition.
Her parents hovered anxiously nearby, looking back and forth between the two of them.
"Looks like it worked?" her father pondered.
Anna opened her mouth to respond, but found herself at a loss for words.
Then she heard her voice from across the room, “It …worked! I– I’m me again!”
Anna's head spun as she heard her own voice coming from her body across the room. The figure that looked like her sat up slowly, patting down her feminine form with an expression of relief and joy.
Anna looked down at her own unfamiliar masculine form, struggling to process what was happening. She watched in stunned silence as her parents hugged her body, now apparently inhabited by Jack. She felt a surge of jealousy and confusion as she saw the relief and happiness on their faces.
"Oh Anna, we've missed you so much!" her mother exclaimed, squeezing Jack tightly.
"I've missed you too," Jack replied in Anna's voice, sounding choked up with emotion.
Anna felt a wave of nausea wash over her as she watched her family embrace. She scrambled to her feet, nearly tripping over her now-larger body.
"Wait," she croaked out, her voice deep and unfamiliar.
But she didn’t say any more. Anna stormed upstairs in a panic, leaving Jack and their parents in a deep embrace.
Anna stumbled into the bathroom, her unfamiliar masculine hands gripping the edges of the sink as she stared at her reflection in shock. Jack's face gazed back at her, eyes wide with disbelief and panic.
"This can't be happening," she whispered, her deep voice sending shivers down her spine.
Downstairs, she could hear the muffled sounds of her family's joyful reunion. But it wasn't really her they were embracing. It was Jack, wearing her body like a costume, stealing her life.
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