Thanksgiving Miracle - Part 10

I glanced at the clock - 2 AM. Another sleepless night. I sighed, reaching for Amber's phone.

I scrolled through Amber's contacts, pausing on Jake's name. My finger hovered over it, tempted to text him and cancel our plans for the party. But I knew I couldn't do that to Amber. This was her chance with Jake, even if she wasn't here to take it.

Instead, I opened her photos, hoping to find some clues about her life. There were hundreds of pictures - selfies with friends, family vacations, school events. I felt like a voyeur, peering into moments of her life I had no right to see.

One photo caught my eye - Amber and some guy –probably her ex– at what looked like a school dance. They were smiling, his arm around her waist. She looked so happy, so comfortable in her own skin. Everything I wasn't right now.

I zoomed in on Amber's face, studying her expression. The way her eyes crinkled when she smiled, the slight tilt of her head as she leaned into Jake. I tried to memorize every detail, hoping I could somehow channel her confidence and ease.

My thumb brushed against the screen, accidentally swiping to the next photo. My breath caught in my throat. It was a mirror selfie of Amber in a bikini, her curves on full display. I knew I should look away, but I couldn't tear my eyes from the image.

I felt a familiar stirring in my body - in Amber's body. The guilt crashed over me immediately, but it wasn't enough to stop my hand from drifting down, tracing the curves of her body as my eyes traced them on the screen.

I had to admit, for the first time since I had possessed her, I felt like a kid in a candy shop.

With trembling fingers, I swiped through more photos. Most were innocent - selfies with friends, pictures from vacations and school events. But then I came across a folder labeled "Private."

My heart raced as I tapped to open it. Inside were dozens of photos of Amber in various states of undress. Some were fairly tame - her in a bikini or tight dress. Others were much more revealing.

I stared at the screen, mesmerized by the sight of Amber's nude body. It was strange to think that this was now my body, at least temporarily.

I switched on a light and tip-toed to her vanity mirror.

I turned to the side, mimicking one of the poses from her photos. The curve of her hips, the swell of her breasts - it was undeniably beautiful. For a moment, I forgot about the wrongness of the situation and simply admired the female form I now inhabited.

My breath caught as I swiped to the next. It was a video of her dancing seductively and lip-syncing to some female pop artist.

Her hips swayed sensually, her hands running through her hair and down her body as she lip-synced to the music.

I couldn't look away. This was a side of Amber I never knew existed - playful, sexy, uninhibited. So different from the quiet, studious cousin I thought I knew.

As the video ended, I caught sight of my reflection in the mirror again.

Without thinking, I started to mimic her movements. I swayed my hips, ran my hands over Amber's soft skin. I threw the phone down on the bed, letting the music loop continuously as I continued mimicking Amber's movements, swaying my hips and running my hands over her body as the music played softly from the phone. It felt strange at first, my movements awkward and hesitant. But as I kept going, I started to lose myself in the rhythm.

As I continued to dance and lip-sync, I felt a strange sense of freedom wash over me. For the first time since this bizarre body-swap, I wasn't overthinking every movement or worrying about acting like Amber. I was just... being.

My hips swayed to the beat, Amber's long hair swishing around my shoulders. I ran my hands down her body, no longer feeling ashamed or guilty about touching her curves. This was my body now, at least for the time being. Why shouldn't I enjoy it?

I spun around, catching sight of myself in the full-length mirror. Amber's cheeks were flushed, her eyes bright with exhilaration. 

For a moment, I forgot about the bizarre situation I was in. I wasn't a 12-year-old boy trapped in his cousin's body. I was just... me.

Gone was the awkward, hesitant impersonator of the past few days. In its place was someone confident, playful, even sexy. 

A small smile played on Amber's full lips as I continued to move. Fuck, maybe being a hot chick wasn’t such a bad thing?
