A Second Chance - Part 10

I awoke with a start, momentarily disoriented. The unfamiliar weight on my chest and the silky fabric against my skin quickly reminded me of our bizarre situation. I was still in Kathy's body.

Beside me, Sarah stirred, her eyes fluttering open. For a moment, she looked confused, then realization dawned on her face.

"Still here, huh?" she murmured in Allan's deep voice.

I nodded, my heart sinking. Part of me had hoped we'd wake up back in our own bodies, that yesterday had just been some crazy dream.

"What do we do now?" I asked, my voice small and uncertain.

Suddenly, a small voice called from the hallway, "Mommy? Daddy? Are you awake?"

Shit. I realized it was Monday.

"Coming, sweetie!" I called out, my voice still foreign to my ears.

I turned to Sarah, panic rising in my chest, "What do we do? It's Monday - don't they have jobs? What about Lily's school ...uh... preschool?"

Sarah's eyes widened with realization, "Oh god, you're right. Lily..."

We scrambled out of bed, our movements clumsy as we adjusted to our unfamiliar bodies. I rifled through Kathy's closet, desperately trying to find something to wear.

"Mommy?" Lily’s head popped into the room.

"Just a minute, honey!" I called back, my voice strained. I turned to Sarah, lowering my voice, "Do you have any idea what they do for work?"

Sarah shook her head, looking equally lost, “We have to call in sick.”

“Yeah, okay. That makes sense. But we still have to get Lily to preschool.”

I kept searching through her closet. I quickly pulled on a simple blouse and skirt, while Sarah fumbled with one of Allan's suits. We emerged from the bedroom to find Lily waiting patiently.

We rushed through getting Lily ready for school, packing her lunch and gathering her backpack.

As we hustled out the door, I noticed a set of car keys on a hook. I grabbed them, hoping they belonged to their car.

We made our way down to the parking garage, Lily chattering excitedly about her upcoming day at school. I scanned the rows of cars, clicking the key fob until a nearby SUV beeped in response. 

"Alright, let's go," I said, ushering Lily into the backseat. 

Sarah slid into the driver's seat, looking uncomfortable as she adjusted Allan's larger frame behind the wheel. I settled into the passenger side, my heart racing. 

"Do you know where her preschool is?" Sarah whispered as she started the engine.

I shook my head, panic rising, "Maybe there's an address in the GPS?"

Sarah found it in the car's GPS and we set off, both of us tense and silent.

Lily, oblivious to our distress, hummed happily in the backseat.

As we pulled up to the preschool, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. We'd made it. I turned to Lily, forcing a smile onto my face.

"Have a great day, sweetie," I said, walking her into the classroom and giving her a quick hug.

"Bye Mommy! Bye Daddy!" Lily chirped.

Sarah and I watched her go, both of us exhaling heavily once she was out of sight.

I nodded, my heart still racing. "We need to go talk to Kathy and Allan."

We drove back to the apartment complex in tense silence, both lost in our own thoughts. As we pulled into the parking spot, Sarah turned to me.

"What if they're not there?" she asked, worry etched on Allan's face, "What if they've already left for work in our bodies?"

I hadn't considered that possibility.

"Let's just hope they're as confused as we are and stayed home," I replied, trying to sound more confident than I felt.

Taking a deep breath, I knocked firmly on the door. We waited, hearts pounding, for what felt like an eternity.

But there was no answer.

