A Second Chance - Part 16

Lily chattered excitedly about her day at school as we drove home, her high-pitched voice filling the car. I found myself responding naturally, asking questions about her friends and teachers, my voice soft and maternal in a way that still surprised me.

As we pulled into the driveway, I caught Sarah watching me in the rearview mirror, an unreadable expression on Allan's face. I knew she was still processing our earlier conversation, still grappling with the idea that I might be getting too comfortable in Kathy's skin.

And, as much as I regretted it, perhaps it was true. I couldn’t help but marvel at how …normal this all felt. I found myself wondering if it would truly be so bad if I was stuck as Kathy for the rest of my life.

God, Sarah would freak if I ever admitted that to her –It felt …good to feel this sexy. To have unfettered access to Kathy’s incredible body.

I caught my reflection in the side mirror. Kathy's face stared back at me - soft, feminine features. I quickly looked away from my reflection, feeling guilty for admiring Kathy's appearance yet again. As we headed inside, I tried to push those thoughts from my mind and focus on being "mom" to Lily.

"Alright sweetie, why don't you go play in your room for a bit while Mommy and Daddy start dinner?" I suggested, using Kathy's gentle tone.

Lily nodded eagerly and scampered off to her room. Once she was out of earshot, Sarah turned to me with a serious expression.

"Elliott," Sarah began hesitantly, "I need to ask you something, and I need you to be honest with me."

I nodded, my heart racing.

"Are you... enjoying this? Being Kathy, I mean."

I hesitated, my heart pounding. I knew I needed to be honest with Sarah, but I was afraid of how she would react.

"I... yes," I admitted softly, avoiding her gaze, "I am enjoying some aspects of it."

Sarah's face fell, hurt flashing in her eyes, "I knew it. The way you've been acting, how natural you seem in her body..."

"Sarah, please understand," I pleaded. "It's not that I want to be Kathy forever. It's just... being in a woman's body, it's an experience I never thought I'd have. And yes, some parts of it feel good."

"I’ve seen you looking at her tits," Sarah turned away, her shoulders tense. "I just don't know how to feel about all this, Elliott. Seeing you in her body, watching you get comfortable being her... it hurts."

I reached out to touch her arm. Sarah flinched away from my touch, her eyes filled with a mix of hurt and anger.

"Don't," she said, her voice low, "I just... I need some space right now."

She turned and walked out of the kitchen, leaving me standing there feeling lost and guilty. I heard the bedroom door close softly behind her.
