A Second Chance - Part 17

I sighed, running a hand through Kathy's long hair. This situation was taking a toll on both of us, and I didn't know how to fix it. I wanted to go after Sarah, to explain myself better, but I knew she needed time to process her feelings.

Instead, I turned my attention to making dinner for Lily. The simple act of cooking felt different in this body - the way I moved, the slight sway of my hips as I worked at the counter.

As I stirred the pasta sauce, an unsettling thought suddenly struck me. We hadn't heard a peep from the real Kathy and Allan since waking up in their bodies. Surely they would have tried to contact us by now if they were in our apartment?

A chill ran down my spine. What if something had gone terribly wrong with their body-swapping ritual? What if we were the only ones who had switched, leaving our own bodies... empty?

I shook my head, trying to dispel the disturbing thoughts. There had to be a logical explanation. Maybe they were just as confused as we were, trying to figure out what happened before contacting us.

The dinner table was quiet except for the sound of forks scraping plates and Lily's occasional chatter. I tried to focus on the little girl's stories about her day at school, but my mind kept drifting to Sarah's hurt expression and the unsettling questions about Kathy and Allan's whereabouts.

After we put Lily to bed, Sarah and I retreated to the living room. The tension between us was palpable.

"Sarah," I began hesitantly, "I've been thinking... don't you find it odd that we haven't heard anything from Kathy and Allan?"

She looked up, "Oh…"
