A Second Chance - Part 18

We went downstairs to our apartment and knocked on the door. This time, it opened. I gasped as I came face-to-face with myself …well, presumably Kathy in my body.

“Oh, hey Kathy! Hi Allan,” my body smiled.

I stood there in shock, staring at my own face smiling back at me. It was surreal to see my body inhabited by someone else, moving and speaking in ways that weren't quite right.

"Um, hi..." I managed to stammer out, still reeling from the sight.

"Come on in," my body said cheerfully, stepping aside to let us enter. 

We followed her into our apartment, which looked exactly as we had left it the day before. Sarah's body was sitting on the couch, looking surprisingly relaxed.

Why were they acting so casually? So …obliviously?

I exchanged a bewildered glance with Sarah as we entered our apartment. The casual demeanor of Kathy and Allan in our bodies was unsettling.

"So..." I began hesitantly, "I guess you two figured out what happened?"

My body looked at me with confusion, "What do you mean? Nothing happened. We've just been enjoying a nice weekend at home."

A chill ran down my spine. They didn't seem to realize they were in different bodies. How was that possible?

After a stunned moment of silence, Sarah finally spoke, “We were, um, just wondering if we could borrow some sugar.”

I felt my heart racing as I tried to process what was happening. Kathy and Allan seemed completely unaware that they were in our bodies. How could they not notice?

"Sugar? Sure, I think we have some in the kitchen," my body replied cheerfully. "I'll go check."

As my body walked away, I turned to Sarah with wide eyes, silently mouthing, "What do we do?"

She shrugged helplessly, looking as lost as I felt.

Sarah's-body smiled at us from the couch, "So, did you have a nice weekend? Doing anything fun?"

I forced a smile, trying to act natural, "We went to the park. How about you?"

"Actually," Sarah said, clearing her throat, "we were wondering if you two have noticed anything... unusual lately?"

Sarah’s body shrugged, “Not really, no.”

"Are you sure? Nothing feels... different to you?"

My body returned from the kitchen with a small bag of sugar, "Here you go, Kathy!"
