Carry Me Lila - Part 3

“I’m just a 14-year-old boy, Lila,” Jeremy admitted, his voice wavering with nerves, “I’m not exactly an expert on being a woman.”

Lila laughed lightly, her eyes sparkling with mischief, “Oh, come on! It’s not that complicated. Just think of it as an adventure! I can be your guide.”

Lila motioned for him to follow her as she led him around the room, pausing in front of a full-length mirror, “Why don’t we start with the obvious physical differences?”

She grabbed her breasts in her hands and lifted them slightly, a playful smirk on her face.

“These are probably the first thing you noticed,” she teased, “They’re a big part of being a woman.”

Jeremy stared wide-eyed at the reflection.

“I mean… they’re definitely noticeable,” he admitted, feeling a mixture of fascination and embarrassment.

“Right? Most boys tend to have just one thing on their minds when it comes to breasts,” she said, her tone light but her gaze piercing, “It’s okay. You can look.”

Jeremy stood closer to Lila, studying the reflection with an awe that bordered on reverence. He couldn't help but reach out, fingers hovering just above the curve of her breast as if afraid to touch.

“Go ahead,” Lila encouraged, “You’re not going to break anything.”

He hesitated for a moment longer before allowing his fingers to graze her skin.

“What’s mine is yours, kiddo,” Lila was feeding off of Jeremy’s childlike wonder.

She turned around to show off her butt, “Go ahead.”

Jeremy swallowed hard, his cheeks flushing as he hesitantly placed a hand on her hips, letting his fingers glide over the smooth fabric of her jeans before cupping the curve of her backside.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” he whispered, marveling at the sensation of Lila’s body beneath his fingers.

“Believe it,” she said softly, her voice encouraging, “It’s all part of the experience. We’re learning about each other, remember?”

“So,” Lila continued, “What were you like before you… well, before all of this?” 

Jeremy paused, his fingers stilling on her waist as he reflected on his life.

“I was just a kid who loved video games and skateboarding,” he said, nostalgia creeping into his tone, “I had friends, I went to school… but I never really felt like I fit in anywhere.” 

Lila nodded, understanding the ache of isolation all too well, “And how does it feel to be… you know, a ghost?”

“It’s lonely,” he admitted, the playful tone dropping from his voice, “I watch people live their lives but can’t really be a part of it. And now here I am, stuck in this house... until you showed up.”

“How old were you?”

“I was fourteen,” he replied softly, a hint of sadness lacing his words, “Died in 2008.”

“Oh! We’re actually the same age as of now. I mean, technically, you’re still fourteen, but I’m 30.”

“So, I’m just… stuck at fourteen forever? That’s a bummer.”

“Not anymore,” Lila said with a gentle smile, “You get to experience life through me. Sure, you’d be a woman, but close enough, right? I’ve been feeling pretty lonely since my last breakup, and now… maybe this is exactly what I need.’

Lila leaned in to kiss Jeremy’s ghostly lips, the moment electrifying as their two worlds collided.

“Lila, you’re an adult,” Jeremy protested, his voice a mixture of confusion and longing, “We can’t just… kiss. This is all so complicated.”

“I understand. Maybe just possess me instead, and we can explore this connection from another angle, without the messy repercussions of crossing boundaries.”

Feeling a rush of determination, he focused on the warmth emanating from Lila's body. Slowly, he felt that familiar pull as he drew himself back into her form.

“Wow,” Jeremy whispered through Lila's voice.

Lila grinned from within, mirroring his awe, "Welcome back. Ready to explore?"
