Completing the Task - Part 5

Kevin's heart pounded as he stood on his own front porch, trapped in Miranda's body. This was so wrong on every level. He prayed his wife wouldn't answer the door.

But luck wasn't on his side. The door swung open to reveal Sarah, his wife of 15 years. 

"Oh, hello Miranda," Sarah said with a smile, "What brings you by?"

Kevin opened his mouth, desperate to tell Sarah the truth, but Gwen's ghostly influence took over.

"Hi Mrs. Johnson," he heard himself say in Miranda's sweet voice, "Is Jake home?"

Sarah's eyebrows raised slightly, "He is. Did you two have plans?"

"Oh, no," Kevin felt himself giggle girlishly, "I just thought I'd stop by and say hi."

"Well, that's nice of you," Sarah said. She called over her shoulder, "Jake, honey! Miranda's here to see you!"

Kevin's stomach churned with dread as he heard heavy footsteps approaching. His teenage son appeared in the doorway, eyes widening slightly as he took in Miranda's appearance.

"Hey Miranda," Jake said, a faint blush creeping into his cheeks, "What's up?"

Kevin felt his body shifting its weight coyly, one hand twirling a strand of blonde hair, "Oh, nothing much. Just thought I'd come say hi. Do you maybe want to hang out for a bit?"

Jake's face lit up, "Yeah, sure! We could watch a movie or something if you want?"

"That sounds great!" Kevin heard himself reply enthusiastically.

Sarah smiled at the two teenagers. "Well, I'll leave you kids to it then. Have fun!"

Kevin felt his heart racing as he stepped into the house, following Jake to the living room. This was beyond surreal - being in his own home, but as a teenage girl, about to hang out with his son. He desperately wanted to scream, to tell Jake and Sarah the truth, but Gwen's control was absolute.

"So, uh, what kind of movie do you want to watch?" Jake asked, fidgeting nervously as he gestured towards the couch.

"Oh, I don't mind," he heard himself say in a flirtatious tone, "Why don't you pick something?"

Jake fumbled with the remote, clearly flustered by Miranda's presence, "How about an action movie?"

"Sounds perfect," Kevin's voice purred.

Kevin felt his body settling onto the couch next to Jake, sitting closer than he was comfortable with. His heart raced as he realized how small and delicate Miranda's form was compared to his teenage son's athletic build.

Jake cleared his throat nervously, "So, uh, how's your summer been going so far?"

Kevin felt his lips curving into a flirtatious smile as Gwen took control, "Oh, it's been pretty good. But it just got a lot more interesting."

He watched in horror as his hand reached out to gently touch Jake's arm. Jake's eyes widened at the contact.

"Miranda, I..." Jake started to say, his voice cracking slightly.

"Shhh," Kevin heard himself whisper, leaning in closer.

Jake's heart was racing as Miranda's lips met his, her gentle touch sending shivers down his spine. He couldn't believe this was happening - the girl he had been crushing on for months was now kissing him. His hands found their way to her waist, pulling her closer as their kiss deepened.

Before long, they were lying on the couch, bodies intertwined as they explored each other with eager hands and hungry kisses.

Kevin's mind reeled in horror as Miranda's delicate hands caressed Jake's body. He fought desperately against Gwen's control, but it was no use. His borrowed teenage body moved of its own accord, driven by Gwen's twisted desires.

"Stop!" Kevin screamed internally, "This is my son! I can't do this!"

Miranda's lips trailed kisses down Jake's chest as her hands fumbled with his belt buckle. Jake let out a soft moan, his body responding eagerly to her touch.

"Please," Kevin begged silently, "I'll do anything else. Just not this. Not with my own child."

"Oh hush," Gwen's voice echoed in his mind. "You're not his father right now. You're just a cute girl he likes. Now be a good girl and make him feel good."

Gwen's control was absolute. Kevin could only watch helplessly as Miranda's delicate fingers tugged at Jake's zipper.

Kevin's mind reeled in panic and revulsion as Miranda's small hand wrapped around Jake's erection.

"Please…" he begged silently.

Kevin's head lowered, his lips parting. Jake let out a gasp of pleasure as his mouth enveloped him.

"That's it, sweetie," Gwen's voice purred in Kevin's mind, "Show him what a good girl you can be."

Jake moaned softly, lost in ecstasy as Miranda's lips and tongue worked their magic. His hands tangled in her long blonde hair, guiding her movements.

"Oh god, Miranda," Jake gasped, "That feels amazing."

“I think you’re ready for the final act. Don’t you, Miranda?” Gwen urged.

Kevin's mind screamed in protest as he felt Miranda's body shifting, straddling Jake's hips. He desperately tried to regain control, to stop what was about to happen.

"Wait," Jake said breathlessly, a hint of nervousness in his voice, "Are you sure about this?"

Kevin felt Miranda's lips curve into a reassuring smile.

"I've never been more sure of anything," he heard himself say in her sweet voice.

Jake fumbled in his wallet, pulling out a condom with shaking hands. Kevin watched in horror as Miranda's delicate fingers helped roll it on.

"Oh god," Kevin thought in anguish as he felt Miranda's body slowly lowering onto Jake, "This can't be happening."

"That's it," Gwen's voice echoed in Kevin's mind, "Doesn't it feel good to be a sweet young thing? Doesn’t it feel good to have Jake’s big, hard cock"

"Oh god, Miranda," Jake moaned, "You feel amazing."

Kevin felt tears streaming down Miranda's cheeks as the sensations intensified. He was losing himself in the overwhelming physical pleasure, even as his mind recoiled in horror at what was happening.

"That's it," Gwen's voice purred in his head, "Let go…”

Jake's breathing grew ragged, his movements becoming more urgent.

“Oh, he’s close!” Gwen was giddy.

Kevin's desperation reached a fever pitch as he felt Jake nearing his climax. With every ounce of willpower he possessed, he fought against Gwen's control.

"Jake, stop!" he cried out in Miranda's voice, managing to override Gwen for a moment, "This is wrong, we can't -"

But it was too late. Jake let out a strangled cry as he reached his peak. Kevin felt Miranda's body shudder in response, waves of unwanted pleasure washing over him.
