Play Date - Finale

Soon enough, Abby left to go back to Julia’s house, and Jack found himself standing alone in his sister's room, still reeling from the bizarre twist of events. He glanced around, taking in the familiar but now alien surroundings. The walls were plastered with posters of bands he had never paid much attention to before, and the cluttered desk was filled with half-finished homework and personal trinkets.

He turned the pebble over in his hand, the glow fading slightly as he contemplated its power. A part of him was intrigued—what else could they do with it? But the other part yearned for normalcy, to feel like himself again.

"Oh, hey, Abby," Jack said aloud, addressing his sister's reflection in the mirror.

He ran a hand through Abby's long blonde hair, feeling the weight of it fall against his shoulders.

Jack found himself staring at her tits. He felt a sense of unease as he grappled with the boundaries of what he could or couldn't do now, while he waited for Julia to return home.

Of course, touching one’s own sister would normally be strictly taboo, but touching “yourself”, on the other hand…

He reached out and grabbed his chest, feeling the weight of Abby’s breasts in his hands.

Just then, the door swung open, and Julia walked in, “Hey, Abbs!”

Jack froze, his hands still on “his” sister’s chest as his heart raced. He quickly dropped them, his cheeks burning with embarrassment.

“Uh, hey Julia! I’m Jack, not Abby. Abby and I swapped bodies, and she’s in yours back at your place now,” Jack rambled nervously, “I have the rock. We can swap back now, and then you can swap back with Abby.”

Julia’s eyes widened, processing the information as she stepped further into the room, “You’re telling me Abby is in my body… and you’re in hers?”

Julia crossed her arms, “You had your sister’s breasts in your hands?”

Jack's face flushed a deeper shade of red, and he stuttered, "I-I didn't mean to! I was just—"

Julia raised an eyebrow, trying to suppress a laugh, "It’s okay, Jack. I get it."

“Oh,” Jack was relieved.

“You know… while you’re in your sister’s body, we could make this even more interesting.”

Jack blinked in surprise, confused by Julia's suggestive tone. “What do you mean?”

Julia stepped closer, a mischievous smile spreading across her lips, “Think about it. We could explore this… situation a little further before switching back.”

Jack’s heart raced at the implications of her words.

Julia grinned, stepping even closer until their bodies were almost touching, “Why don’t we pick up where we left off, when you were in my body?

She placed her hands on Jack’s hips and pulled him close, “Come on, ‘sis’.”

“Just… promise me we’ll switch back after,” he said, voice barely above a whisper.

“Of course,” she replied, her smile reassuring yet mischievous.
