Play Date - Part 4

Jack settled into the plush pedicure chair, wiggling Julia's toes as the warm water enveloped her feet. He had to admit, this wasn't so bad. The soothing jets massaged away the tension he'd been carrying since the body swap.

"The usual, Julia?" the nail technician asked with a friendly smile.

Jack panicked for a split second before remembering Julia's text advice: When in doubt, just nod and smile.

He did just that, and soon Julia's toenails were being painted a soft pink. As the technician worked, Jack found himself relaxing into the experience. The gentle touch on his feet, the light chatter between Mrs. Thompson and the salon staff - it all felt surprisingly normal.

"So, Julia," Mrs. Thompson said, glancing up from her magazine, "Have you decided who you're bringing to the wedding? What about that nice boy from your biology class? What was his name again?"

Jack froze, his mind racing. He had no idea who Julia's mother was talking about.

"Uhh…" he stammered.

Mrs. Thompson raised an eyebrow, "You know, the tall one with the curly hair. Michael, I think? You were partners on that big project last semester."

"Oh, right. Michael," Jack said, trying to sound casual, "I don't know, Mom. I haven't really thought about it."

"Well, you should ask him soon if you're interested. The wedding's only a few weeks away," Mrs. Thompson advised.

Jack nodded noncommittally.

Michael? Julia had never mentioned a Michael to him before. Was there something going on between them?

He realized with a jolt that he was feeling jealous over Julia and this Michael guy.

"You know what, Mom?" Jack said, trying to keep his voice steady, "I think I'd rather just go to the wedding with you and Dad. I don't really want to bring a date."

Mrs. Thompson looked surprised but pleased, "That's fine, sweetie. It'll be nice to have you all to ourselves."

Jack sighed. He felt guilty for meddling in Julia's life, making choices on her behalf without her permission.

As the nail technician put the finishing touches on Julia's toes, Jack couldn't resist wiggling them and admiring the delicate shade of pink. It surprised him how much he was enjoying these typically feminine activities.
