Play Date - Part 5

Back at Julia's place, Jack paced across Julia's room. He simply couldn't stop feeling jealous of Julia and Michael together.

But then, he realized... He had Julia now, didn't he?

Jack froze mid-pace, struck by the implications of his own thoughts. He had Julia's body now. He could explore, touch, experience everything he'd ever fantasized about.

He locked Julia's bedroom door and approached her full-length mirror. With trembling hands, he lifted the hem of her shirt, exposing her smooth midriff. His breath caught in his throat as he ran Julia's delicate fingers across her soft skin.

Just then, Julia's phone buzzed. It was Abby –his sister.

"Hello?" Jack answered, trying to keep his voice steady as he proceeded to grab Julia’s boobs.

“Hey, uhh… Julia,” Abby greeted, “I was wondering if you wanted to come over again later?”

Jack gasped as he pinched one of her nipples.

Jack swallowed hard, trying to keep his voice steady, "Um, sure Abby. What time were you thinking?"

"How about around 4?" Abby suggested. "I think we need to talk about... you know, the situation."

Jack nodded, forgetting for a moment that Abby couldn't see him, "Right, of course. I'll be there."

That was in an hour. With a heavy sigh, Jack pulled Julia's shirt back down and stepped away from the mirror.


  1. Really enjoying this series. I wonder if Abby figured out how to swap them back.


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