Play Date - Part 8

“What do we do, Julia?” Jack sighed, “My sister’s really harping on us to switch back…”

“I know,” Julia grumbled, “I don’t want to just yet. This has been …amazing. If only we could buy ourselves more time…”

"What if..." Jack started hesitantly, "What if we didn't switch back but told Abby that we did?”

Julia's eyes widened as she considered Jack's suggestion, "You mean... lie to Abby?"

Jack nodded slowly, a mischievous glint in Julia's eyes, "Just for a little while."

Julia bit her lip, looking conflicted, "I don't know, Jack. Lying to Abby feels wrong. She's my best friend."

"She’s my sister," Jack laughed, "I don’t have any qualms about lying to her."

"Okay, so here's the plan,” he continued, “We'll sneak into Abby's room tonight and 'borrow' the stone. Then we'll use it to switch back to our real bodies. Tomorrow, we'll act like we're still switched and ask Abby to help us change back."

Julia bit her lips, "Abby will think she's switching us back to normal, but really..."

"What do you say? Are you in?"

Julia hesitated for a moment, then squeezed Jack's hand, "I'm in. Let's do it."
