
It had been five years since my ex, Carla, and I mysteriously swapped bodies during our ugly breakup. We had never been able to figure out how or why it had happened, each of us accusing the other of being responsible.

In the early days, we tried everything to reverse the switch. Nothing worked. We were stuck in each other's bodies, forced to live each other's lives. It was a constant struggle, but we managed to keep it a secret from the outside world.

My first few months as Carla were a living nightmare. I resented everything about her but was constantly reminded of the pain she had caused me. Her face, her voice, her mannerisms – they were all a constant reminder of the betrayal and heartache that I had experienced.

I knew that if anyone found out about our body swap, it would cause chaos. So I became an expert at pretending to be Carla – mimicking her gestures and facial expressions perfectly. It wasn't easy though; we were complete opposites in almost every way.

Carla was outgoing and extroverted while I was introverted and reserved. She loved attention and being the center of attention while I preferred blending into the background.

But after a few months of living as Carla, something inside me changed. I started to understand why she acted the way she did – always seeking validation and attention from others. As much as I wanted to hate her, I found myself starting to appreciate her.

As the years went by, Carla and I both moved on with our lives. We didn't keep in touch or even have any mutual friends. We never spoke about the body swap or acknowledged it in any way. It was like an unspoken agreement between us – to live our new lives separately and leave the past behind.

It had been five years since the body swap and Carla's grandmother had just passed away. I received a call from her, asking if we could meet up to talk.

We met at a nearby cafe, both nervous and unsure of what to say. But before we could even start, Carla surprised me by saying, "I'm sorry for being nasty to you."

I was taken aback, not expecting an apology from her.

Before I could respond, she continued, "I know I was horrible to you after everything that happened. But now that my grandmother is gone, it made me realize how short life is and how precious our time is."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to her words. It was the first time she had acknowledged the body swap without blaming me for it.

"Hey, I get it," I said softly, "I'm sorry too. And the whole swap - I understand now that it wasn't your fault. You never wanted this either."

For the first time in five years, we were able to have an honest conversation without any animosity between us. We talked about our lives over the past years and how different they had been since the switch.

"I didn't know how to deal with everything that happened," she confessed, "Being in your body reminded me constantly of what I had lost."

As much as I had resented Carla in the past, hearing her speak about her struggles made me sympathize with her.

"I wish we could have talked about this before," I said regretfully.

"Yeah," Carla agreed, "But let's not dwell on the past anymore."

We spent hours talking and catching up on each other's lives. It felt like we were finally able to let go of the anger and resentment that had been holding us hostage for so long.

"Have you been dating anyone recently?" she asked, taking a sip of her coffee.

I shook my head, "No. I could never see myself dating someone …as my own ex."

Carla gave me a sympathetic smile, understanding the awkwardness of the situation, "I get it. It's hard to move on when there's a constant reminder of your past relationship."

“Why don’t we start over?”

I stared at Carla, stunned by her suggestion. The idea of dating my former self was bizarre. At first, I was hesitant. But now, hearing Carla speak about her struggles and the way she had dealt with them, I couldn't help but feel a sense of compassion towards her. She was just as much a victim in this body swap as I was.

"Start over?" I echoed, my voice wavering slightly, "You mean... as if we just met?"

Carla nodded, a shy smile playing on her lips, "Yeah, exactly. No baggage, no history. Just two people getting to know each other."

I took a deep breath, considering her proposal. It was crazy, but then again, our entire situation was beyond belief. Maybe this was our chance to make something positive out of our strange circumstances.

"Okay," I said, taking a deep breath, "Let's start over. Hi, I'm Carla."

I extended my hand across the table.

Carla's eyes lit up, a mixture of relief and excitement washing over her face. She reached out and took my hand, her grip firm yet gentle.

"Nice to meet you, Carla. I'm Marcus," she said, her voice deepening slightly as she slipped into the role.

We both chuckled, the absurdity of the situation not lost on us. Yet, there was something liberating about this fresh start.

"So, Marcus," I began, feeling a strange flutter in my stomach, "Tell me about yourself. What do you do for a living?"

Carla leaned back in her chair, "I'm an architect. What about you?"

I smiled, realizing how much I'd learned about Carla's job over the years, "I'm a marketing executive."

As we continued our 'first date' conversation, I found myself relaxing and genuinely enjoying Carla's company. We laughed about shared experiences, now seeing them from new perspectives. The tension that had defined our relationship for years seemed to melt away.

I felt a flutter of excitement mixed with apprehension. Was I really considering dating my former self? But looking at Carla - at Marcus - I saw someone new. Someone who had grown and changed, just as I had.
