“Come on, Peter,” Mable called out, “We don’t have all day.”
Peter sighed and reluctantly stopped his pacing to look at Mable. She held up a slinky black dress with a sly grin on her face.
“No way,” Peter said firmly, shaking his head.
Mable just rolled her eyes and threw the dress at him, “Don’t be such a prude. Have some fun with it.”
Peter caught the dress and stared at it incredulously. He couldn’t imagine himself ever wearing something like this.
“I’m not wearing this,” Peter declared, tossing the dress back onto the bed.
Mable pouted, “Come on, Pete!”
Peter sighed in defeat—he knew she was right. He walked over to the bed and examined the dress more closely. He hesitantly picked up the dress again and held it up against himself in front of the mirror.
Peter hesitantly picked up the dress again and held it up against himself in front of the mirror. He couldn’t deny that it was a nice dress—the fabric was soft and had a subtle shimmer to it, and the cut was flattering. But still, he couldn’t bring himself to actually put it on.
Mable rolled her eyes at his hesitation, “Just try it on.”
Peter shook his head, “No way. I can’t believe I’m even considering this.”
“Don’t be such a stick in the mud,” Mable chided gently, “You’ll never know until you try.”
Peter’s cheeks flushed, “I’m going to have to undress though.”
“Mable… Undress? You’re really okay with me seeing another woman naked like this?”
Mable crossed her arms, a playful smirk dancing on her lips, “Oh, please. You’re not seeing ‘another woman’—you’re seeing yourself. You’re Isabelle right now, remember?”
“I’ve never even seen her in a bikini,” Peter protested.
Though the thought of Isabelle in a bikini was certainly intriguing to Peter.
Mable shrugged, “Well, now you have a chance to see what she’s working with. Besides, it’s not like you’re going to be in her body forever. Just for a little while.”
“What makes you so sure of that?”
Peter hesitated, staring at his reflection once more. The idea was ludicrous, yet the adventurous spark ignited a thrill he couldn’t shake off. He finally took a deep breath and turned his back to Mable, fumbling with the buttons of Isabelle’s blouse.
“Just… don’t make it weird,” he muttered, feeling his heart race as he gradually unbuttoned her top.
He couldn’t bring himself to open it up just yet, terrified of confronting Isabelle’s chest.
But his wife was relentless, “You’re already halfway there, Peter. Just do it! You’ll feel liberated, trust me.”
Peter's fingers trembled as he finally peeled the blouse away and let it fall to the floor. His cheeks flared with embarrassment as he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror—Isabelle’s body staring back at him, the unfamiliar curves making him feel exposed and vulnerable.
Her boobs were more prominent than he’d expected, and he turned his head away, trying to focus on anything else but the body he now inhabited. He had never imagined himself as a woman, let alone one with such a voluptuous figure.
“Oh my God,” Peter stammered, his voice barely above a whisper, “I have… I have… boobs.”
Mable couldn’t contain her laughter as she watched Peter’s panicked expression in the mirror. She had never seen him so flustered before and it was both hilarious and endearing.
“Welcome to the club,” Mable teased, “Embrace it, Peter! You’re not just a woman now; you’re a hot woman!”
Peter shot her a sidelong glance, blushing furiously, “This is absurd.”
With a deep breath, he steeled himself and turned back to the mirror. Isabelle’s breasts were gently cupped by a padded bra, adding an extra layer of fullness to her ample chest.
He reached up tentatively, his fingers brushing lightly against the soft fabric. It felt strange to touch another person’s body, even if it was technically now his own.
Peter couldn’t believe what he was doing. He had never in his wildest dreams thought he would be standing in Isabelle’s body, feeling her breasts with his own hands.
Peter couldn’t help but feel like he was cheating on Mable, which made it all the more bizarre that she was egging him on like this. He had always been a faithful husband, and to now be in their neighbor’s body, exploring her curves and feeling her breasts, it felt wrong.
He gently wrapped his fingers around both of Isabelle’s boobs, feeling the weight and softness in his hands. It was a strange sensation, one that he never could have imagined before. They felt soft and supple under his touch and he was mesmerized by the weight and fullness in his hands.
“Tom would be so pissed if he saw you touching his wife like that.”
Peter swallowed hard, feeling a lump form in his throat as Mable’s words sank in. He hadn’t even thought about the fact that Isabelle was married, let alone what her husband might think if he caught Peter “admiring” his wife’s body.
“Mable! This isn’t funny!” he exclaimed, his heart racing.
“How often do you get to say you've held your neighbor's boobs? Honestly, I’d be jealous if I didn’t find this so hilarious.”
“Okay, okay,” Peter said, taking a step back from the mirror and releasing his hold on Isabelle’s breasts,“What’s next?”
“Well, the bra has to go.”
Peter hesitated, his heart pounding in his chest, “Mable, I don’t know if I can— I don’t think Isabelle would want me seeing her topless.”
Mable just rolled her eyes sarcastically at Peter.
“Fine,” he relented, his voice shaky with uncertainty.
He could hardly believe he was about to strip down in front of his wife—no, in front of Mable while he was in Isabelle’s body.
With a bit of fumbling, he unhooked the bra and let it slip from his shoulders. As the bra fell away, Peter took a deep breath, bracing himself for what he was about to see.
As the bra slipped away, Peter felt an involuntary gasp escape his lips. The reflection in the mirror stared back at him—Isabelle's bare chest, soft and unfamiliar. He couldn’t help but be entranced by the sight. Her nipples were much bigger than what he was accustomed to as a man, protruding and thick. He tentatively reached out to touch one, feeling its firmness under his fingertips.
He had seen Mable’s breasts countless times before, but this was different. This wasn’t his wife's body he was staring at, it was their neighbor's. And yet, he couldn’t deny the attraction that surged within him.
Mable chuckled behind him, “I never thought I’d see my husband ogling another woman’s boobs.”
Peter felt his face flush with embarrassment as he quickly dropped his hand from Isabelle’s breast, “I wasn’t ogling! I-I just—”
“Oh come on, Peter,” Mable teased, “It’s not like I’ve never caught you checking out other women before.”
Peter felt a pang of guilt hit him. Yes, he may have glanced at other women here and there, but it was never anything serious. He loved Mable and would never cheat on her.
But deep down, he knew that wasn’t entirely true. There was a part of him that was genuinely intrigued and aroused by Isabelle’s body.
“So are you going to try on that dress?” Mable quipped.
Peter tore his gaze away from Isabelle’s areolas, blushing furiously, “Right, sorry,” he mumbled, quickly looking away.
Peter took a deep breath, preparing himself for what was about to come next. He had already explored Isabelle’s breasts, but the thought of seeing and touching her lower half made him even more nervous.
He reached down and unbuttoned Isabelle’s jeans, feeling a flutter of excitement as he did so. He slowly began to shimmy them down her legs, revealing Isabelle’s smooth, shapely legs.
Once her jeans were off, Peter couldn’t help but stare at his new lower half. He found himself staring at the panties that tightly clung to his crotch. There was no denying it: he had a vagina.
He felt a surge of panic envelop him as he looked down at Isabelle’s feminine form. This was not his body. He didn’t know how to handle having a vagina, let alone how to navigate through the complexities of being a woman.
“Peter, are you alright?” Mable’s voice broke through his thoughts.
He turned to face her, seeing genuine concern etched on her features.
“I-I don’t know if I can do this,” he admitted, feeling overwhelmed by the situation they were in.
Mable stepped closer and took Peter’s hands in hers, “You don’t have to do anything you’re uncomfortable with. We can stop and figure out another solution together.”
Peter felt immense gratitude towards Mable for being so understanding and supportive. He knew not all wives would react in the same way if their husband suddenly became a woman overnight.
“No, I’ll try it on. Why not,” he said, more to convince himself than anyone else.
Peter gulped nervously as Mable unzipped the back of the dress and helped him step into it. He couldn’t believe he was about to wear a dress for the first time in his life.
Peter looked at himself in the mirror and couldn't believe what he saw. A beautiful blonde woman stared back at him with wide eyes and a nervous smile. He touched his new body, feeling the softness of the dress against his skin. It was an odd sensation, one he was not used to as a man.
Peter took a deep breath, summoning his courage as he adjusted the straps of the slinky black dress on his shoulders. It hugged his curves perfectly, and as he spun slightly to catch a glimpse of how it flowed around him.
“I’m really …her,” Peter whispered, half in disbelief and half in wonder.
Mable chuckled, “No one would ever guess you’re really Peter.”
“Thank God for that,” Peter sighed.
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