Freddy and his sister, Carla, 10 and 8 respectively, found a new time traveling stone in their backyard. They wanted to use it to travel into the future, experiencing what it would be like to live as their teenage selves for a day.
However, something went wrong, and they ended up in each other's future teenage bodies!
Freddy blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to the taller, lankier feeling of his new body. His hands—now oddly unfamiliar—stretched long and thin in front of him.
"I'm... I'm you?" He uttered.
Carla, trapped in Freddy's teenage frame, ran a hand through her now shaggy hair, "And I'm you!"
“Oh my gosh! Carla. You have… I mean I have …boobs."
He couldn't help but giggle, a strange mixture of shock and amusement bubbling up, "This is so weird!"
Carla tugged at the oversized hoodie she now wore, "I feel like a giant."
Freddy squeezed his chest, “Whoa…”
Carla stared at her brother wide-eyed, feeling jealous that he would get to experience having boobs before she did.
"Stop that!" she huffed, swatting his hands away.
“Psh! Not like you’ve ever had boobies!”
“Can I feel?”
“No way!” Freddy hugged his—Carla’s—body protectively.
“That’s not fair! You’re in my body. I should get to.”
“Okay, fine. Once."
Carla reached out, hesitated, then poked tentatively. Her eyes widened— Then she grabbed one in her hand and hooted with laughter, “They’re huge!”
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